@include('business.layouts.head') @include('business.layouts.header')



  • {{$loggedIn->address}} .{{$loggedIn->city}} ,{{$loggedIn->Country}}

  • {{$loggedIn->businessContact}}

  • {{$loggedIn->email}}

@foreach($posts as $post)




@if(!empty($post-> text_back_ground))
{{ $post-> caption}}
@endif @foreach ($post->postImage as $image) @php $fileName = $image->postFileUrl; $fileNameParts = explode('.', $fileName); $ext = end($fileNameParts); @endphp @if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "webp" || $ext == "jpeg")
@endif @endforeach



@foreach($postVideo as $vid)
@php $extention=pathinfo($vid->postFileUrl, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $url='https://hapiverse.com/'.$vid->postFileUrl ?? ''; @endphp @if($extention=="MP4" || $extention=="MOV")


Local Business Plan


  • Sponsor 50 basic accounts paid individual plans

  • Rewards Center

  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking

  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking

  • Matching Algorithem

  • Sponsor 100 basic 20 platinum accounts paid individual plans activated

Reginol Business Plan


  • Sponsor 100 basic and 5 gold plans

  • Rewards Center

  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking

  • Matching Algorithem

  • Sponsor 200 basic and 40 platinum, 10 local business plans

National Business Plan


  • Sponsor 20 gold, and 5 Platinum user plans

  • Sponsor 20 gold, and 5 Platinum user plans

  • Rewards Center

  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking

  • Matching Algorithem

  • Sponsor 400 basic, and 50 diamond user and 50 local business, 2 regional business plans plans

Global Business Plan


  • Sponsor 10 platinum and 20 V.I.P. user plans

  • Rewards Center

  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking

  • Matching Algorithem

  • Sponsor 1000 basic and 100 Platinum, 100 diamond, 100 V.I.P/Celebrity user Plan, 100 Local, 10 Regional, 3 National Business plans

Other Details


