@php $userDetail=\Auth::user() ?? ""; $profileImage= $userDetail->getUserDetail->profileImageUrl ?? ""; $profileUrl=env('APPLICATION_URL').$profileImage; @endphp @include('user-web.layouts.head') @include('user-web.layouts.header')


{{$loggedIn->bio ?? ""}}

  • {{$loggedIn->city ?? ""}} , {{$loggedIn->country ?? ""}}

  • {{$loggedIn->DOB ?? ""}}

  • @foreach($interests as $interest) @php $count = count($interest->interest); @endphp @foreach($interest->interest as $index => $int)


    @if($index < $count - 1) , @endif @endforeach @endforeach
  • Selected Plan :{{$logged->choosedPlan->plan->planName ?? ''}}

@if(!$paypalId) @endif

Friend Suggestions

@foreach($firendFriendDetail as $friend) @foreach($friend as $friend) @php array_push($friendNames,$friend->userName ); @endphp @endforeach @endforeach
@foreach($posts as $post)
@if(\Illuminate\Support\Facades\File::exists(public_path($profileImage))) @else @endif

{{ $post->user->userName}}



@if(!empty($post-> text_back_ground))
{{ $post-> caption}}
@endif @foreach ($post->postImage as $image) @php $fileName = $image->postFileUrl; $fileNameParts = explode('.', $fileName); $ext = end($fileNameParts); @endphp @if($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "webp" || $ext == "jpeg")
@endif @if($ext == "mp4" || $ext == "MOV")
@endif @endforeach



@foreach($postVideo as $vid)
@php if(!empty($vid->postFileUrl)) { $extension = pathinfo($vid->postFileUrl, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $url = env('APPLICATION_URL') . $vid->postFileUrl; } else { $extension = ''; $url = ''; } @endphp @if($extension == "mp4" || $extension=="mov")


Basic Plan


  • Location Based Info's
  • Public & Private Groups
  • Push Notificaions Alerts
  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking Multi Language
  • Matching Algorithem
  • Video Audio Voice Text Chat

    Platinum Plan


  • Location Based Info's
  • Public & Private Groups
  • Push Notificaions Alerts
  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking Multi Language
  • Matching Algorithem
  • Video Audio Voice Text Chat
  • Sponsor 100 basic and 500 gold plan
  • Profile Avatar
  • Rate / Review
  • Customer Loyalty Program

    Diamond Plan


  • Location Based Info's
  • Public & Private Groups
  • Push Notificaions Alerts
  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking Multi Language
  • Matching Algorithem
  • Video Audio Voice Text Chat
  • Sponsor 100 basic and 500 gold plan
  • Profile Avatar
  • Rate / Review
  • Customer Loyalty Program
  • Photo Album

    Vip/Celiberity Plan


  • Location Based Info's
  • Public & Private Groups
  • Push Notificaions Alerts
  • Covid-19 tracking-local tracking Multi Language
  • Matching Algorithem
  • Video Audio Voice Text Chat
  • Sponsor 100 basic and 500 gold plan
  • Profile Avatar
  • Rate / Review
  • Customer Loyalty Program
  • Photo Album Stealth and ghosting

    Personal Info

    {{$loggedIn->userName ?? ''}}

    Live In {{$loggedIn->city ?? ''}} ,{{$loggedIn->country ?? ''}}

    {{$loggedIn->phoneNo ?? ''}}

    {{$loggedIn->hairColor ?? ''}}

    {{$loggedIn->religion ?? ''}}

    {{$loggedIn->DOB ?? ''}}

      @foreach($loggedIn->education as $education)

      {{$education->title ?? ""}} from {{$education->location ?? ""}}


    {{$loggedIn->occupation[0]->title ?? '' }}

    work as {{$loggedIn->occupation[0]->description ?? ''}} from {{$user->getUserDetail->occupation[0]->startDate ?? ''}}

    @foreach($userIntrest as $userInt)

